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In this case, we investigate, using as a material Jean Genet’s The Balcony, questions related to the tension between identity and alterity, In this sense, an array of acting processes were put into practice. The performers who took part of this process founded later a colective called Estação Teatro.

Cast: Fernanda Bellinati, Abel Xavier, Flora Gussonato, Alexandre Cristovam, Liana Diniz, Luiza Lio, Mariana Rodrigues, Wallyson Mota, Paula Zaneti; Light Design: Matteo Bonfitto e Coletivo; Costumes: Matteo Bonfitto e Coletivo; Sound Design: Tiago La Torre. e Tiago Liguori; Assistent Director: Ana Carolina Monzon; Directed by Matteo Bonfitto

Copyright © 2018 | Performa | Núcleo de Pesquisa e Criação Cênica

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