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Rodrigo Pocidônio
Actor, Playwright and Researcher
Rodrigo de Oliveira e Silva (in arts Rodrigo Pocidonio) is an actor, playwright and researcher. He holds a master's degree in performing arts from Unicamp (2014) and a bachelor's degree in performing arts from Unicamp (2010). Since graduation, he has been developing research on the universe of traditions of popular circus actor masks and the possibilities of reinterpreting these traditions within the perspective of contemporary theater. He produced two scientific initiation projects, one with a CNPq grant (2008) and another with a FAPESP grant (2009) and a master's degree entitled "The Betrayal of Tradition: Vsévolod E. Meierhold and Fernando Neves in dialogue with the popular actor", under the guidance of Prof. doctor Matteo Bonfitto Jr., with a grant from FAPESP (2014). In parallel to these academic productions, he had an intense artistic production, especially in the CIA. Clown Academy, co. theater that he founded in 2007 and in which he remained until 2018. In this company he produced more than ten theatrical shows as an actor, playwright and artistic director, in processes of scenic research in the field of friction of the universe, the traditions of the masks of the popular circus actor and the possibilities of rereading these traditions within the perspective of contemporary theater. These productions were financed by the main incentive laws and public and private notices to support the country's culture, such as the Theater Promotion Program for the city of São Paulo, ProAC/SP, Sesi/SP, SESI/RJ, Petrobrás Distribuidora de Cultura, Caixa Cultural, Itaú Cultural, Lei Rouanet and nominated and winners of some of the main theater awards in the country such as Shell/SP, Aplauso Brasil/SP and APTR/RJ etc. He has also participated internationally as an actor in theater festivals such as World Stage Design Taiwan 2017 and the XVIII Festival de Teatro de La Habana de Cuba 2019. He is currently rehearsing his next show as an actor between Paris and São Paulo: Fim de Partida by S. Beckett , directed by Yoshi Oida and Matteo Bonfitto, which premiered at Sesc Ipiranga/SP, participated in the International Theater Festival in Havana, Cuba, and performed at the Summit of the Municipal Theater of São Paulo. With Louise Belmonte, he directed the show Antimadox, which ran at Espaço Parlapatões in 2021 and 2022.

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