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Ki/Synesthesia (SCinestesia)

This work is the result of collaboration between Cia de Danças de Diadema and Núcleo Performa.



From the Sense of the Body to the Body of Sense


The first motivation for the creation of “SCinestesia” came from the

animation by Polish film director, screenwriter and cameraman,

Zbigniew Rybszynski, entitled “Tango”. This being a work of

surrealist matrix, it resists any objective interpretation and such

This fact generated transformations that accompanied our entire

creative process, from the first stimuli produced by animation to

video to and composition of the choreographic work in its current

version. He wasa long journey, starting with the dramaturgical

partnership with Matteo Bonfitto. This partnership brought something

that surpassed the

appearances, creating tensions with representation as well as

predictable and linear narratives. Another important collaboration took

place through dialogue with Luciano Sallum, a musician who has

already composed for this Company on other occasions. In the fields

of scenography and costumes, the presence of Júlio Dojcsar and

Bruna Recchia came to crown the creation process, bringing it even

closer to the universe surreal desired.

The choice of the title SCinestesia was not at all casual, it

emerged from the exploration of ambivalences that permeate the

senses of the words Synesthesia with “S” and Kinesthesia with “C”. Such senses, once materialized in the bodies and in the scene, they dissolve

the borders between 'inside' and 'outside', 'internal' and 'external',

'objective' and 'subjective', 'conscious' and 'unconscious', thus aligning

with the deepest assumptions of the surrealist movement. seen here

as a filter and as a catalyst for experiences, surrealism is here

a device that articulates paradoxes, intensifies contradictions and

distills affections in order to make us glimpse the invisible interstices

that connect unadapted beings and irreconcilable realities. the ten

beings that give life to SCinesthesia materialize at the same time a

profound interweaving between performance and contemporary

dance,through which issues and impulses go beyond the personal dimension.

SCinestesia was nominated for the APCA 2021 PRIZE - Best On-line Show.

Synopsis of choreographic work

The co-existence of differences and the crossing of realities. All

it can change from the slightest disorder. It's in this frame

that events come to life in SCinestesia. in front of the game

that is established between the concreteness of the actions and constructions of the imaginary, an unusual question arises: would they,

such actions and constructions – and ourselves – be transformable?

Team of Creators

Direction: Ana Bottosso

Cast: Carlos Veloso, Caroline Piovani, Danielle Rodrigues, Daniele Santos, Guilherme Nunes, Júlia Brandão, Leonardo Carvajal, Thaís Lima, Ton Carbones e Zezinho Alves.

Choreodrammaturgy: Matteo Bonfitto 

Editing: Fabio Pazitto

Sound Design: Luciano Sallum 

Scenography: Julio Dojcsar

Costumes: Bruna Recchia

Light Design: Zulu

Sound Operation: Jehn Sales

Copyright © 2018 | Performa | Núcleo de Pesquisa e Criação Cênica

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